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May 17 Hybrid Symposium Program on Crisis Resilience: Precariousness, Politics, and Potentialities

May 17 at 9.30-16.15


IRL: Room 108, School of Social Work, Lund University

Launching Global Discourse Special Issue

Research articles:

At this hybrid symposium, editors, and authors of the Global Discourse Special Issue: “Critical Explorations of Crisis: Politics, Precariousness, and Potentialities”, will present and discuss their contributions. Apart from the speakers in the sessions, the symposium will be opened and closed by Editor in Chief Matthew Johnson, and editors Helle Rydstrom and Mo Hamza from Lund university. No RSVP needed. Welcome!


9.30: Welcome

Helle Rydstrom, Society for Critical Studies of Crisis & Teres Hjärpe, Social Resilience Group.

9.45: Introduction to Special Issue

Global Discourse Editor-in-Chief Matthew Johnson.

10-11.30: Session 1 Chair: Priscilla Solano. Moderator: Simon Turner.

  • Didier Fassin: “Preface: Crisis as Experience and Politics”.
  • Sylvia Walby: “Crisis and Society: Developing the Theory of Crisis in the Context of Covid”.
  • Heidi Gottfried: “Crisis and Change: The Politics of Potentialities (Reply to Walby)”.
  • Ravinder Kaur: “Crisis Futures: Covid-19 and the Speculative Turning Point of History”.

LUNCH BREAK: 11.30-12.30

12.30-14.00: Session 2 Chair: Rishi Jha. Moderator: Catia Gregoratti.

  • Henrik Vigh: “Slow Crisis: Critical Continuities in Bissau and Beyond”.
  • Helle Rydstrom: “The ‘Hardship’ of Ordinary Crises: Gendered Precariousness and Horizonsof Coping in Vietnam’s Industrial Zones”.
  • Jonathan D. London: “Social Reproduction meets the World Market (Reply to Rydstrom)”.
  • Anne-Meike Fechter: “Humanitarianism, Mobility and Kinship (Reply to Zhukova)”.

COFFEE/TEA BREAK: 14.00-14.30

14.30-16.00: Session 3 Chair: Annette Hill. Moderator: Azher Hameed Qamar.

  • Steffen Jensen & Nanna Schneidermann: “Surviving in Overcome Heights: Living in and Alongside Crisis in Cape Town”.
  • Jesper Bjarnesen: “The Politics of Urban Displacement and Emplacement in Overcome Heights (Reply to Jensen and Schneidermann)”.
  • Jeff Hearn: “The Place and Potential of Crisis/Crises in Critical Studies on Men and Masculinities”.

16.00-16.15: Closing of Symposium

Mo Hamza, Society for Critical Studies of Crisis.

16.15-16.45: Meeting

Presenters meet with Global Discourse Editor-in-Chief Matthew Johnson.

16.45-18: On-Campus Gathering

Room 108, School of Social Work, Lund University.


  • Bjarnesen, Jesper, Senior Researcher, The Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala University, Sweden.
  • Fassin, Didier, James D. Wolfensohn Professor, Institute of Advanced Studies, Princeton University, USA.
  • Fechter, Anne-Meike, Professor, School of Global Studies, University of Sussex, UK.
  • Gottfried, Heidi, Professor, Department of Sociology, Wayne State University, USA.
  • Gregoratti, Catia, Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Lund University, Denmark.
  • Hamza, Mo, Professor, Division of Risk Management and Societal Safety, Lund University, Sweden.
  • Hearn, Jeff, Senior Professor, Department of Human Geography, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Örebro University, Sweden.
  • Hill, Annette, Professor, Department of Media and Communication, Lund University, Sweden.
  • Hjärpe, Teres, Senior Lecturer, School of Social Work, Lund University, Sweden.
  • Jensen, Steffen, Professor, Department of Politics and Society, The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Aalborg, Denmark.
  • Jha, Rishi, Researcher, School of Social Work, Lund University, Sweden.
  • Johnson, Matthew, Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK, Editor-in-Chief, Global Discourse.
  • Kaur, Ravinder, Professor Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • London, Jonathan D. Associate Professor, Global Political Economy, Leiden University, The Netherlands.
  • Qamar, Azher Hameed, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, School of Social Work, Lund University, Sweden.
  • Rydstrom, Helle, Professor, Department of Gender Studies and Visiting Professor Division of Social Anthropology, Lund University, Sweden.
  • Schneidermann, Nanna, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Anthropology, Moesgaard, Aarhus University, Denmark.
  • Solano, Priscilla, Senior Lecturer, Department of Gender Studies, Lund University, Sweden.
  • Turner, Simon, Professor, Division of Social Anthropology, Lund University, Sweden.
  • Vigh, Henrik, Professor, Center for Global Criminology, Institute for Anthropology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Walby, Sylvia, Professor, Department of Law and Criminology, School of Law and Social Sciences, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK.
April 25, 2023

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Webinar 2023:1 Public Health, Crisis, Social Resilience

March 2, 14.00-16.00

Zoom link:


What stimulates mental wellbeing under and after a public health pandemic? What can the choice of communication strategy mean to vaccine uptake in different communities? In this webinar, scholars in Psychology, Media and Communication and Strategic Communication will elaborate on social resilience in relation to mental and physical health following COVID-19. The webinar is moderated by Dr. Hui Zhao, Postdoctoral researcher at the department for Strategic Communication, Lund university. 


Dr. Qian (Sarah) Gong, Associate professor, Department of Media and Communication, University of Leicester, UK.

Prof. Ian Somerville, Head of School of Media, Communication and Sociology, University of Leicester, UK.

Speaking on: Co-design, co-deliver and evaluate a COVID-19 vaccine uptake communication intervention and the resilience of Chinese communities in England and Wales.

Dr. Yunwhan Kim, Senior Lecturer at the department for Psychology, Lund university.

Speaking on: COVID-19 and Post Traumatic Growth

Dr. Amoneeta Beckstein, Assistant Professor, the Department of Psychology, Fort Lewis College, Colorado, USA.

Speaking on: Maximizing Mental Wellbeing and Resilience during and after Pandemics  

February 17, 2023

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Crisis and Social Resilience Webinars spring 2023

In spring 2023, the SCSC will continue the webinar series on Crisis and Social Resilience. The webinar series is the result of a collaboration between the SCSC and the Social Resilience Theme launched by the Faculty of Social Sciences at Lund University. The Social Resilience Theme is devoted to stimulating critical cross- and interdisciplinary research on resilience, theoretically, methodologically, and empirically. Social resilience and crises tend to be intimately intertwined with one another. With this webinar series, we welcome various audiences to participate in examining social resilience in crisis times as shaped in various contexts. 

Social resilience has been understood as the “ability of groups or communities to cope with external stresses and disturbances as a result of social, political and environmental change” (Adger 2000). The webinar series critically considers this approach as an entry to advance social sustainability research. The series thus sheds light on the ways in which a social science perspective on resilience distinguishes itself from other disciplinary understandings. That is, when is resilience ‘social’ and how do various disciplines render the notion meaningful? 

With the series, we wish to promote the development of critical scholarship and establish an interdisciplinary network of scholars interested in pursuing research on social resilience in crisis times. In 2 webinars in spring 2023 Swedish and international scholars will discuss crisis and social resilience in relation to the topics of Public Health and Resistance.

Please click on each webinar’s link to read the abstract and attend on Zoom. 



Dr. Qian (Sarah) Gong, Associate professor, Department of Media and Communication, University of Leicester, UK

Professor Ian Somerville, Head of School of Media, Communication and Sociology, University of Leicester, UK.

Dr. Amoneeta Beckstein, Assistant Professor, the Department of Psychology, Fort Lewis College, Colorado, USA.

Dr. Yunwhan Kim, Senior Lecturer at the department for Psychology , Lund university.


Dr. Hui Zhao, Postdoctoral researcher at the department for Strategic Communication, Lund university.

February 10, 2023

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Happy Holidays!

Many thanks to all of you who have joined the Society for Critical Studies of Crisis activities organized in collaboration with the Social Resilience Theme at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Lund University.
The webinar presentations have been thought provoking and the discussions very stimulating.
Looking forward to seeing you again for the spring activities at which we will critically explore crisis and resilience. Watch this space for more information.
Happy Holidays.
SCSC and Social Resilience coordinators.

December 22, 2022

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Crisis and Social Resilience Webinars Fall 2022

In fall 2022, the SCSC will continue the webinar series on Crisis and Social Resilience. The webinar series is the result of a collaboration between the SCSC and the Social Resilience Theme launched by the Faculty of Social Sciences at Lund University. The Social Resilience Theme is devoted to stimulating critical cross- and interdisciplinary research on resilience, theoretically, methodologically, and empirically. Social resilience and crises tend to be intimately intertwined with one another. With this webinar series, we welcome various audiences to participate in examining social resilience in crisis times as shaped in various contexts. 

Social resilience has been understood as the “ability of groups or communities to cope with external stresses and disturbances as a result of social, political and environmental change” (Adger 2000). The webinar series critically considers this approach as an entry to advance social sustainability research. The series thus sheds light on the ways in which a social science perspective on resilience distinguishes itself from other disciplinary understandings. That is, when is resilience ‘social’ and how do various disciplines render the notion meaningful? 

With the series, we wish to promote the development of critical scholarship and establish an interdisciplinary network of scholars interested in pursuing research on social resilience in crisis times. In 2 webinars in fall 2022 Swedish and international scholars will discuss crisis and social resilience in relation to the topics of Conflict and Law and Justice.

Please click on each webinar’s link to read the abstract and attend on Zoom. 

WEBINAR 2022:5 Conflict, Crisis, Social Resilience

Oct 27, 15.15-17.00


Erin McCandless, Scholar and Policy Advisor in Peacebuilding and Development. Research Associate in the Politics Department the University of Witwatersrand South Africa and the Institute for Development and Sustainability (IDOS) in Bonn, Germany.

Jesper Bjarnesen, Anthropologist and Senior Researcher at the Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala university, Sweden.

Sarah Anne Rennick, Political Scientist and Researcher at the Center for Advanced Middle East Studies, Lund university, Sweden.

Mo Hamza, Professor at the Division of Risk Management and Societal Safety, Lund university, Sweden. 


Helle Rydström, Professor at the department for Gender Studies, Lund university.

WEBINAR 2022:6 Law, Crisis, Social Resilience

December 15, 14.14-16.00


Vladislava Stoyanova, Senior Lecturer, Researcher and Coordinator for the Migration Law Research Network, Faculty of Law, Lund university,

Anne Dienelt, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute for International Affairs, Hamburg University.

Miia Halme-Tuomisaari, Legal Anthropologist and Senior Lecturer in Human Rights Studies, Lund university.


Carlo Nicoli Aldini, Doctoral Student at the Department of Sociology of Law, Lund university.

October 5, 2022

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Webinar 2022:5 Conflict, Crisis, Social Resilience

Oct 27, 15.15-17.00

Zoom link:

Abstract: What does ongoing or recent conflict mean to the processes of social resilience? What are the compounded risks resulting from climate change and contributing to conflict? How far can the concept of crisis take us in order to understand the hardships of violent urban settlements? And how do youth navigate within peacebuilding paradigms in post-conflict areas? Welcome to discuss with scholars in Peacebuilding and Governance, Risk- and Management Studies, Anthropology, and Political Science. The webinar will be moderated by professor Helle Rydström from the department for Gender Studies.


Erin McCandless, Scholar and Policy Advisor in Peacebuilding and Development. Research Associate in the Politics Department the University of Witwatersrand South Africa and the Institute for Development and Sustainability (IDOS) in Bonn, Germany.

Speaking on: Forging resilient social contracts in transition contexts

Jesper Bjarnesen, Anthropologist and Senior Researcher at the Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala university, Sweden.

Speaking on: Where is the crisis? The politics of urban displacement and emplacement

Sarah Anne Rennick, Political Scientist and Researcher at the Center for Advanced Middle East Studies, Lund university. 

Speaking on: Reinventing Youthhood: Agency and New Social Imaginaries of Being Young in Post-ISIS Syria and Iraq

Mo Hamza,  Professor at the Division of Risk Management and Societal Safety, Lund university, Sweden; and The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Sweden.

Speaking on: Compounded Risks in Climate Change, Fragility and Conflict


Helle Rydström, Professor at the Department for Gender Studies, Lund university.

October 5, 2022

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Webinar 2022:6 Law, Crisis, Social Resilience

December 15, 14.14-16.00

Zoom link:


Social resilience and the practice of law and human rights will be the theme for this webinar. Scholars in Law, Sociology of Law and Human Rights’ Studies will present research on how resilience is translated into the legal discipline and acted upon in questions of climate change, migration, pandemics and human rights. Welcome to join the discussions!


Vladislava Stoyanova, Senior Lecturer, Researcher and Coordinator for the Migration Law Research Network, Faculty of Law, Lund university.

Presenting on: Inherent Instability or Tipping of the Balance: Populism, Immigration and Legal Resilience in Europe

Anne Dienelt, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute for International Affairs, Hamburg University.

Presenting on: Translating Resilience into the Legal Discipline at national, comparative and international levels  

Miia Halme-Tuomisaari, Legal Anthropologist and Senior Lecturer in Human Rights Studies, Lund university.

Presenting on: The Resilience of Human Rights in a World of Ongoing Crisis


Carlo Nicoli Aldini, Doctoral Student at the Department of Sociology of Law, Lund university.

October 5, 2022

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Special Issue on Critical Explorations of Crisis: Politics, Precariousness, and Potentialities

Enjoy this double special issue on crisis published by Global Discourse!

Volume 12 (2022), Issue 3-4 (Sep 2022):

Special Issue:

Critical Explorations of Crisis: Politics, Precariousness, and Potentialities’.

Guest Edited by:
Helle Rydstrom, Mo Hamza, Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen and Vanja Berggren.


Link to special issue blogs:

Table of Contents:
-Gammeltoft-Hansen, Thomas, Helle Rydstrom, Mo Hamza, and Vanja Berggren: “Introduction; Crisis: Critical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives”.
-Fassin, Didier: “Preface: Crisis as Experience and Politics”.
-Bergman-Rosamond, Annika, Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen, Mo Hamza, Jeff Hearn, Vasna Ramasar, and Helle Rydstrom: “The Case for Interdisciplinary Crisis Studies”.
-Zetter, Roger: “Refugee Crises – An Architype for Crisis Studies”.
-Walby, Sylvia: “Crisis and Society: Developing the Theory of Crisis in the Context of Covid”.
-Gottfried, Heidi: “Crisis and Change: The Politics of Potentialities (Reply to Walby)”.
-Vigh, Henrik: “Slow Crisis: Critical Continuities in Bissau and Beyond”.
-Nyberg Sørensen, Ninna: “Crisis as ‘Slow’ or an Existential State of Being (Reply to Vigh)”.
-Rydstrom, Helle: “The ‘Hardship’ of Ordinary Crises: Gendered Precariousness and Horizons of Coping in Vietnam’s Industrial Zones”.
-London, Jonathan D.: “Social Reproduction Meets the World Market (Reply to Rydstrom)”.
-Hearn, Jeff: “The Place and Potential of Crisis/Crises in Critical Studies on Men and Masculinities”.
-Norocel, Ov Cristian: “The Conceptual Imbrications of Men, Masculinities, and Crises (Reply to Hearn)”.
-Jensen, Steffen and Nanna Schneidermann: “Surviving in Overcome Heights: Living In and Alongside Crisis in Cape Town”.
-Bjarnesen, Jesper: “The Politics of Urban Displacement and Emplacement in Overcome Heights (Reply to Jensen and Schneidermann)”.
-Zhukova, Ekatherina: “Chronic Crisis and Nuclear Disaster Humanitarianism: Recuperation of Chernobyl and Fukushima Children in Italy”.
-Fechter, Anne-Meike: “Humanitarianism, Mobility and Kinship (Reply to Zhukova)”.
-Kaur, Ravinder: “Crisis Futures: Covid-19 and the Speculative Turning Point of History”.
-Bonde Thylstrup, Nanna: “Crisis Times (Reply to Kaur)”.
-Andersson, Fredrik N. G.: “Macroeconomic Equilibriums, Crises and Fiscal Policy”.
-Hansen, Henrik: “On Fiscal Rules, GDP Forecasts, and Prediction of Economic Crises (Reply to Andersson)”.
-Roitman, Janet: “The Ends of Perpetual Crisis”.
-Kjaerum, Morten: “A Decisive Moment: Human Rights or Authoritarianism, It’s a Choice (Policy Article)”.

June 28, 2022

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Webinar 2022:1 (the sixth social resilience webinar)

Climate, Crisis, Social Resilience

March 10, 14.14-16.00



With insights from projects in South America and the Middle East, this seminar will explore the resilience of communities and workers in relation to environmental exploitation and climate crisis. Postdoctoral researcher Patric Nordbeck from the department of Psychology will moderate the webinar.


Helen Avery, researcher at the Centre for Environmental and Climate Science and the Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies, Lund university, Sweden. On: Sustainability transitions in the Middle East; strategies for environmentally and socially sustainable society building.

Cristobal Diaz Martinez, Phd in Planning Studies and member of research group Cities, Governance and Planning, UCL, UK. On: Housing policies, self-built settlements and community resilience after local disasters in Latin American capitalist periphery.

Lala Peñaranda, Trade Unions for Energy Democracy, (TUED), United States. On: Workers’ responses to renewable companies and overnight exit of fossil mining companies in still coal-reliant communities.

Juan Antonio Samper, Doctoral Student at Lund University Center for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS). On: The defense of the territory as a form of resilience?

Chair: Patric Nordbeck, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department for Psychology, Lund university, Sweden.

February 18, 2022

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