Course on CRISIS, Spring 2024

Under the Lifelong Learning (EduLab) theme, an interdisciplinary course on Crisis will be held (online) in the spring of 2024. The course aims at bridging between academia and the ambient society.

Course Content:

The course provides an insight into how crises disrupt lives, livelihoods, and societies, and the ways in which they might be twisted for political purposes. Focusing on thesocio-economic inequalities imbued in crises, the course analyses how crises impact on the human rights of various social groups as related to the Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030). The course sheds light on the building of social resilience through crisis mitigation and coping strategies. Through critical dialogue with crisis scholarship, the course introduces analytical tools for the examination of crisis powers, politics, precariousness, and potentialities. The course offers insights into how crisis experiences, realities, and policies are configured in local and global contexts due to factors such as gender, age, sexuality, ethnicity, and class. As disciplinary crisis approaches eschew the multi-dimensional complexities and dynamics of crisis, the course is interdisciplinary and thus includes various disciplinary understandings of crisis. In doing so, the course provides insight into different theoretical, empirical, and methodological aspects of crisis. Participants are introduced to themes such as the interdisciplinary character of crisis, crisis and climate, crisis and labour, crisis and technology, crisis and care, and crisis and conflict zones.

Course Title: GNVED1

Crisis – Critical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 6 credits (Department of Gender Studies)
Kris- Kritiska och tvärvetenskapliga perspektiv, 6 högskolepoäng (Genusvetenskapliga institutionen)
Second Cycle / Avancerad nivå.


For further details, please contact Lund University EduLab project leader or the course administration at the Department of Gender Studies, which hosts the course.

October 6, 2023

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