A co-authored debate article in the Danish newspaper Politiken (Jan. 2021) from our board president Professor Helle Rydstrom, Lund University. https://politiken.dk/debat/art8067628/Derfor-gik-det-så-meget-mere-galt-her-hos-os-end-det-gjorde-i-Danmark
Month: February 2021
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An opinion piece from our board member, Associate Professor Ravinder Kaur, University of Copenhagen, in The Guardian (Dec. 2020). https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/dec/10/modi-indias-farmers-government-factory-corporations
A publication of our board member, Prof. Ravinder Kaur, Associate Professor at University of Copenhagen. Kaur, Ravinder. 2020. Brand New Nation: Capitalist Dreams and Nationalist Designs, Stanford: …
This webinar is part of a series of webinars organised by the SCSC with scholars from around the world. The themes of the webinars will be …