Webinar 5

Social resilience beyond the west

January 27, 15.15-17.00

Access on zoomlink: https://lu-se.zoom.us/j/69020345388?pwd=M2pCczFFbE5oa0N6NlpyVmpNV2Y1UT09

Meeting ID: 690 2034 5388, Password: 316223

At this seminar, assumptions about resilience and crisis in western research will be discussed and challenged. Contributions to this discussion will come from ongoing projects on Myanmar, Kenya, South Africa and more.


Liv Gaborit, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Sociology/Anthropology, Lund university, Sweden.

On: Resilience of the Resistance Movement in Myanmar

William Jones, Phd-candidate in Ethnology, Lund university.

On: Refining Resilience Discourses in International Development

Rashid Ahmed, Professor in Psychology, University of the Western Cape, South Africa.

On: Overcoming or transforming adversity?: Resilience in the South African context

Martin Andersson, Associate Professor, Department of Economic History, Lund university, Sweden.

On: Resilience to economic shrinking in the developing world

December 15, 2021

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