Oct 27, 15.15-17.00
Zoom link: https://lu-se.zoom.us/j/69020345388?pwd=M2pCczFFbE5oa0N6NlpyVmpNV2Y1UT09
Abstract: What does ongoing or recent conflict mean to the processes of social resilience? What are the compounded risks resulting from climate change and contributing to conflict? How far can the concept of crisis take us in order to understand the hardships of violent urban settlements? And how do youth navigate within peacebuilding paradigms in post-conflict areas? Welcome to discuss with scholars in Peacebuilding and Governance, Risk- and Management Studies, Anthropology, and Political Science. The webinar will be moderated by professor Helle Rydström from the department for Gender Studies.
Erin McCandless, Scholar and Policy Advisor in Peacebuilding and Development. Research Associate in the Politics Department the University of Witwatersrand South Africa and the Institute for Development and Sustainability (IDOS) in Bonn, Germany.
Speaking on: Forging resilient social contracts in transition contexts
Jesper Bjarnesen, Anthropologist and Senior Researcher at the Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala university, Sweden.
Speaking on: Where is the crisis? The politics of urban displacement and emplacement
Sarah Anne Rennick, Political Scientist and Researcher at the Center for Advanced Middle East Studies, Lund university.
Speaking on: Reinventing Youthhood: Agency and New Social Imaginaries of Being Young in Post-ISIS Syria and Iraq
Mo Hamza, Professor at the Division of Risk Management and Societal Safety, Lund university, Sweden; and The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Sweden.
Speaking on: Compounded Risks in Climate Change, Fragility and Conflict
Helle Rydström, Professor at the Department for Gender Studies, Lund university.