Webinar 2

Social Resilience, Neoliberalism, and Socioeconomic Crises

Sept 30th, 15.15-17.00 

Access on zoomlink: https://lu-se.zoom.us/j/69020345388?pwd=M2pCczFFbE5oa0N6NlpyVmpNV2Y1UT09

Meeting ID: 690 2034 5388, Password: 316223

What kind of a lens does neoliberalism offer for examining the relationship between social resilience and sociopolitical/environmental/economic crises? What does it mean to be resilient in the face of a crisis and how does the neoliberal discourse shape the way we construct our understandings of resilience, adversity, and vulnerability? This seminar offers an interdisciplinary exploration of these questions by three established scholars.


Roberto Barrios, Professor of Anthropology, University of New Orleans, US. On Revelations and Epistemic Intensification: Resilience, Crisis, and Change in Disaster Anthropology

Julian Reid, Professor of International Relations, University of Lapland, FIN. On Arctic Resilience 

Paz Martín, Professor of Sociology, Complutense University of Madrid, SPAIN. On “Sociologizing resilience. Reflections from the Spanish experience”. 

The seminar is hosted by Sara Kauko, a postdoctoral researcher at the department for Gender Studies, Lund University. 

August 13, 2021

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