Webinar 4

Dynamic and systems perspectives of resilience in context

Dec, 9th 14.15-16.00

Access on zoom link: https://lu-se.zoom.us/j/69020345388?pwd=M2pCczFFbE5oa0N6NlpyVmpNV2Y1UT09

Meeting ID: 690 2034 5388, Password: 316223

How can we conceptualize social resilience under a relational, process ontology and epistemology? What are the benefits and potential consequences of doing so from a dynamic systems perspective? What does research look like from a such a perspective? How is a systems perspective of resilience applied to real world phenomena? In this seminar, three researchers from different fields who will present their research on these topics.


Yannick Hill, Doctor of Psychology, Univ. of Heidelberg, GE.  

Valéria Andrade Pinto, Doctoral student of Psychology, Univ. of Cincinnati, US.  

Sahra Svensson-Höglund, Doctoral student of Circular Economy, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ., US.  


Patric Nordbeck , Postdoctoral researcher, Dep. of Psychology, Lund Univ. SWE.

November 18, 2021

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