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Webinar 4: Brand New Nation: Capitalist Dreams and Nationalist Designs in Twenty-First-Century India.

This webinar is part of a series of webinars organised by the SCSC with scholars from around the world. The themes of the webinars will be centered around the topic of the polarities of crisis in the global world, where crisis is simultaneously understood as an area of contestation and control. The prospective themes include “health and crisis”, “climate and crisis”, “corruption and crisis”, “universities and crisis”, gender and crisis”, and others.

The webinar will be held on 15 March 2021, 14-16 (CET), chaired by Helle Rydstrom, Professor, Department of Gender Studies from Lund University, Sweden.

Speaker: Ravinder Kaur, Associate Professor, Centre of Global South Asian Studies, University of Copenhagen.

Discussant: Alf Gunvald Nilsen, Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Pretoria, South Africa

To attend, please join the zoom event at the date and time of the webinar:

Meeting ID: 631 7938 9293
Password: 372048

January 19, 2021

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Publication: ‘Crises, Ruination and Slow Harm: Masculinized Livelihoods and Gendered Ramifications of Storms in Vietnam’

A co-authored publication of our board member, Prof. Helle Rydström, Professor at Lund University.

Rydstrom, Helle. 2019. “Crises, Ruination and Slow Harm: Masculinized Livelihoods and Gendered Ramifications of Storms in Vietnam”. In Kinnvall, C. and H. Rydstrom (eds.), Climate Hazards, Disasters and Gender Ramifications. London and New York: Routledge. 

Rydstrom, Helle (w. Kinnvall, C.). 2019. “Introduction”. In Kinnvall, C. and H. Rydstrom (eds.), Climate Hazards, Disasters, and Gender Ramifications. London and New York: Routledge.

Rydstrom, Helle (eds. w. Kinnvall, C). 2019. Climate Hazards, Disasters and Gender Ramifications. London and New York: Routledge.


January 17, 2021

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Publication: ‘The Case for Interdisciplinary Crises Studies’

A co-authored publication of our board member, Prof. Helle Rydström, Professor at Lund University.

Rydstrom, Helle (w. Bergman-Rosamond, A, T. Gammeltoft-Hansen, J. Hearn, M. Hamza, and V. Ramasar). 2019. “The Case for Interdisciplinary Crises Studies”, Global Discourse: A Developmental Journal of Research in Politics and International Relations (published online before print).


January 17, 2021

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Publication: ‘The Machinery of Male Violence, Embodied Properties, and Chronic Crisis: The Realities and Perils of Harm amongst Partners in Vietnam’

A publication of our board member, Prof. Helle Rydström, Professor at Lund University.

Rydstrom, Helle. 2019. “The Machinery of Male Violence, Embodied Properties, and Chronic Crisis: The Realities and Perils of Harm amongst Partners in Vietnam”, Goethe University Special Issue on “Violence in Southeast Asia”, Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies, vol. 12(2):167-185.

January 17, 2021

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Publication: ‘Family, Gender, and New Constellations: Crises and Changing Configurations in Late Đổi Mới Vietnam’

A forthcoming publication of our board member, Prof. Helle Rydström, Professor at Lund University.

Rydstrom, Helle (forth.). “Family, Gender, and New Constellations: Crises and Changing Configurations in Late Đổi Mới Vietnam”. In Perkins, D. and B. Ljunggren (eds.), State, Economy, Society in a Shifting Global Environment, Cambridge Massachusetts.: Harvard University Press.

January 17, 2021

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Publication: ‘The ‘Hardship’ of Ordinary Crisis: Entanglements and Gendered Lives in Vietnam’s Industrial Zones’

A forthcoming publication of our board member, Prof. Helle Rydström, Professor at Lund University.

Rydstrom, Helle (forth.). “The ‘Hardship’ of Ordinary Crisis: Entanglements and Gendered Lives in Vietnam’s Industrial Zones”. In Special Issue on “Critical Explorations of Crisis”, Global Discourse: A Developmental Journal of Research in Politics and International Relations. 

January 17, 2021

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Webinar 2: Slow Crisis: Social perspectives and relations within critical conditions

This webinar is part of a series of webinars organised by the SCSC with scholars from around the world. The themes of the webinars will be centered around the topic of the polarities of crisis in the global world, where crisis is simultaneously understood as an area of contestation and control. The prospective themes include “health and crisis”, “climate and crisis”, “corruption and crisis”, “universities and crisis”, gender and crisis”, and others.

This webinar will be held on 15 February 2021, 14-16 (CET), chaired by Henrik Vigh, Professor, Institute for Anthropology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Matthew Carey, Associate Professor, Institute for Anthropology, University of Copenhagen, will present his work on the topic of mistrust.

Henrik Vigh will present his work on the topic of vigilance.

To attend, please join the zoom event at the date and time of the webinar:

Meeting ID: 615 7173 2751

January 16, 2021

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Webinar 1: Scoping Critical Crisis Studies

A Webinar Roundtable Panel Discussion

This webinar is part of a series of webinars organised by the SCSC with scholars from around the world. The themes of the webinars will be centered around the topic of the polarities of crisis in the global world, where crisis is simultaneously understood as an area of contestation and control. The prospective themes include “health and crisis”, “climate and crisis”, “corruption and crisis”, “universities and crisis”, gender and crisis”, and others.

This rescheduled opening webinar on 25 February 2021, 11:15-13 (CET) to our series called the ‘Polarities of Crisis’ scopes the subject with a panel of three experts. Presenting short prepared responses to three questions, the panelists will outline their understanding of the concept of crisis, the field of crisis studies, and the big research challenges it poses. This will be followed by an open session for online participants to ask questions of the panelists.

Three panelists:

  • Professor Helle Rydstrom, Department of Gender Studies, Lund University, Sweden
  • Professor Janet Roitman, Platform Economies Research Group, the New School, New York, USA 
  • Professor Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Professor Roger Zetter, Emeritus Professor of Refugee Studies, University of Oxford, will chair and mediate the roundtable. 

To attend, please join the zoom event at the date and time of the webinar:

Meeting ID: 614 9389 3628

Password: 011310

January 15, 2021

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